115 User already exists or User/IP/MAC length is illegal!
116 on search ...
117 This operation will add all local users' info. Continue?
118 Are you sure to delete this account?
119 Another instance of CCProxy has been run!
120 Time|User Name|IP Address|Action|
121 Please select log file path:
122 Are you sure to delete all the logs?
123 Permit All|Permit Only|Permit All But
124 IP Address|MAC Address|User/Password|User/Password + IP|User/Password + MAC
125 Congratulations. You have registered successfully!
126 Sorry. Registration Failed!
127 %s
128 %s(Demo Version Can Only Support 3 Users)
129 MAP service startup failed!
130 Type|Dest Host|Dest Port|Local Port|
131 Mail ID|Mail From|Mail To|Send Times|Begin Time|Last Response|
134 Mail proxy startup failed!
138 Unknown
139 Host
140 News proxy startup failed!
141 FTP proxy startup failed!
142 Telnet proxy startup failed!
143 Some mails are in transfer. Are you sure to exit?
146 Are you sure to delete this mail?
149 Property Sheet
32838 I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned\nbelow could not be delivered to one or more destinations.\n\nError in sending %s.\nAnd the server said:\n%s
32839 Undelivered mail
32840 6.0
32841 Are you sure to delete these items?
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61441 ▒ú┤µ╬¬
61442 ╦∙╙╨╬─╝■ (*.*)
61443 ╬▐▒Ω╠Γ
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61705 ├ⁿ┴ε╩º░▄íú
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